Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Global Flow of Silver

The flow of silver affected the world through the mid 16th & early 18th century in many ways. When countries had more silver, there was less bartering & more slavery. People traded less because they could just buy what they needed. Economically, more power was given to countries with more money which is called Mercantilism. Documents 3 & 5 are reflecting on social change and how silver altered the way the Chinese lived. In document 1, it talks about the frugal man will always have something left but the extravagant man never has enough, this is showing how wealth makes people greedy & the government trying to maintain order by putting limits on wedding expenses. The point of view of this document is of a county official during the Ming dynasty who is under the Confucius value of frugality, making the document biased because he was against the capitalistic values of the extravagant man. Document 3 talks about how the elders of a specific district explain why the price of food is cheap because the scarcity of silver because the national government isn’t distributing silver back to society, but makes it part of tax. I believe that this is biased because he was a court official and this relates to problems within his own community. Document 2 & 4 is about the effect of silver in Spain. Document 2 states that high prices of Asian goods ruined Spain economically, meaning Spain would need more silver to pay for them. Document 4 says that since Spain needed more silver, they traded their goods such as perfume, gold, porcelain and white silk to Japan. Document 7 is about how they usually trade good for good but with foreigners its good for silver because they would sell it for more than its actually worth. Document 7 was biased because He Qiaoyuan was a Ming Dynasty court official & he didn’t want to ban foreign trade, so he was defending it saying that they could make more from it. Documents 6 & 8 are about social effects. Document talks about how hard they have to work to excavate silver. Document 8 is about how they were replaced in the space trade by the Dutch and they had to trade dyed cotton cloth, silks, drugs, cotton yarn and wool. Document 6 is biased because Antonio Vazquez de Espinosa was a Spanish priest and he didn’t work in the fields to excavate silver, so he really didn’t have 1st hand knowledge of that. Silver changed countries socially and economically. It had major effects in Spain and because of mercantilism they had to trade goods for silver. Economically, they needed more silver and they had to cut down prices and get more goods to get more silver.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Death Changes Everything Essay

As human beings live on, each experience takes a different effect. Some events can bring joy to a person’s life, but other events allow us to become grief-stricken. People have different ways to handle all the stressful situations that occur in their lives. Death challenges our ability to remain unchanged. No matter whom the person has lost, they become affected by their nonexistence. Through the life-changing event of death, many changes arise as a direct result of the loss. After losing a loved one or someone close, anger begins to boil inside. The death reminds us that we remain living. Some begin to wonder why they can not the replace the one who died. The person who changes the most experiences the transition from living life with someone to suffering the effects of the death. Anger forms inside and soon after depression follows. Throughout the entire experience of mourning a death, the feeling of loneliness and depression stalks every daily action, affecting the person negatively. Remaining isolated during such a difficult time affects the person’s mental health. Although the thoughts of having a quiet place seem comforting, that exact comfort can become something that negatively affects the way a person maneuvers all the changes that take place during the transition. A person’s mental health can reach a new low during the stage of depression, ultimately leading to the final stage. Acceptance could possibly revive a person’s outlook on life. After a person experiences the loss of someone close to them, the last challenge that a person must overcome may become recognized as acceptance. The realization a person embraces as a result to death acts as a great teacher. Life gains a new meaning and somehow motivates a person to live in a more satisfying life. Acceptance allows a person to display the positive effects of death. Each stage of grieving changes death and creates a less dramatic change for a person. Death can affect a person negatively or positively. A person experiences many steps while mourning their loss and each step assists them to eventually accept the fact that they have lost a close friend but their life still remains. Some stages of grieving effect a person differently. People control the way they respond to such a life-changing event. Throughout the grieving process many changes arise which affect a person as a direct result of death.

River And Water Management Flood Control Environmental Sciences Essay

Floods are a major concern in many parts of the universe due to the many losingss experienced in clip of inundations. Therefore, flood direction techniques are really of import in countries that are prone to frequent implosion therapy. Flood direction techniques are constructions designed with the purpose of incorporating floodwater in order to command flood plains. The designing of inundation control techniques entails gauging the degrees of H2O that causes inundations and so mensurating the needed tallness that will make a on the job inundation defence. Flood defences are strong barriers that prevent H2O from deluging flood plains ( Woods & A ; Woods 2007, p.5 ) . Floods by and large occur when fluxing surface H2O spills over the keeping Bankss into dry land. Floods are a natural happening in about all river systems. Areas that are prone to deluging include those that are located downstream of dikes and low lying countries. Deluging causes huge losingss which include human and carnal life, dirt eroding, amendss of belongingss, devastation of flora and other environmental amendss. Besides, countries that are affected by inundations could besides be prone to drouths. This can even do farther loss of human and carnal lives. Flood Waterss are normally polluted with harmful bacteriums ensuing from sewerage. This means that people affected by the inundations are at greater hazards of acquiring morbific diseases ( Proverbs, et al. , 2011, p. 221 ) . However, inundations besides have positive impacts on ecosystems. One benefit from deluging includes more fresh H2O for domestic and irrigation use. Other benefits include big sedimentations of minerals and foods into affected countries. Apart from these, inundations besides help to better the status of H2O ecosystems. However, they can be considered to be the most detrimental compared to volcanic eruptions and temblors due to their frequences. Therefore, rigorous steps must be in topographic point to forestall the monolithic losingss occurred during inundations ( Gruntfest & A ; Handmer, 2001, p.12 ) . Methods used to command inundations Techniques that are applied in commanding inundations involve the version of the river environment and countries which are close to the river. Flood control techniques can be applied on the river channel, floodway or on the flood plain ( Ghosh, 1997, p.55 ) . Techniques applied in flood plains Floodplains are countries that prevarication below the inundation lift and wholly on the floodway and river channel. The bulk of techniques applied on flood plains lie far from the river but they are designed to cut down inundation harm. Levee/Floodwall around constructions This technique involves the building of a levee/floodwall about structures that are located in flood plains. Levees can either be lasting or impermanent. Construction of the levee normally requires the usage of strong, unreal or natural stuff that can digest force per unit area from the inundations ( Hyndman & A ; Hyndman, 2010, p.356 ) . The rule of utilizing levees and other barriers is to raise the tallness of constructions located in flood plains which floodwater must so mount in order cause implosion therapy. These constructions are at that place to offer protection to constructions. However, they put other constructions at a high hazard of deluging due to the so increased H2O keeping in the flood plains. Furthermore, serious harm to protected constructions can so happen when the levees are unable to keep back floodwater. This is because the force per unit area that the inundations hit the construction is highly high compared to when there is no barrier ( Green, 2004, p.36 ) . The usage of levees, butchs and floodwalls has a negative impact on the natural river procedures ( Harmancioglu, 1994, p.42 ) . Ideally, developed H2O spills should organize a natural channel which provides a manner for the inundations to flux. Therefore, levees would cut down the ability of the flood plains to treat floodwaters. The inability of the floodwaters to flux freely within the flood plains would interfere with fish in their aquatic home ground. The river would react by making other channels in order to let extra H2O to flux. The developed channels clear the backwater every bit good as cut down habitat complications ( Harmancioglu, 1994, p.43 ) . Off-stream detainment pool The chief purpose of making detainment pools in flood plains is to roll up the floodwaters once the river has reached its maximal capacity. Detention pools are constructed off from the floodway but must be within the flood plain catchment. When directing H2O into the detainment ponds it will hold an impact on cut downing the sum of H2O a river carries. This will hold a negative impact on natural river procedures due to the decrease of H2O fluxing downstream. Reduced sum of downstream flow could so do a decrease in sediment conveyance, which may take to the rise of the land degree of the channel and deposition of all right deposits. In add-on, leting H2O to flux into a detainment pool may do more H2O to flux into the pool than expected. This may take to an increased development of river channels ( Ali, 2002, p8.3 ) . Detention pools besides create new milieus for the genteelness and maturing of fish. However, the building of detainment channels must be done in a manner that creates a connexion between the pool and the mainstream so that the rivers natural environment can be maintained. Severe harm to the environment can happen when the detainment ponds break down taking to deluging in the flood plains. Techniques applied on floodway The floodway is made of river Bankss and the active channel. In general, the floodway forms the portion of land that is instantly following to the river. This piece of land allows flood Waterss to go through without raising the inundations depth upriver. One feature of floodways is the presence of little Bankss, either due to cuts made by old inundations or natural levees due to sedimentations from old floodwater ( Mambretti, 2011, p.66 ) . Reducing the bank incline This technique consists of cutting the riverside backwards to bring forth a gentler incline ( Masoudian, 2009, p.14 ) . It may affect replanting or resurfacing the bare bank utilizing stuffs afterwards. Reducing the bank incline will hold an impact on the increasing inundation transit at the channel degree due to the increased bank breadth. This normally happens because cut downing the bank incline increases the surface country of the bank channel, which so increases the volume of bank flow. However, if slope decrease is done through seting flora, it is likely that the bank stableness will be increased. This has an consequence of making a natural containment, which reduces the speed of H2O. A decrease in the speed of H2O so decreases the rates of dirt and bank eroding. Vegetation along river Bankss may besides pin down deposits within flows, which may so take to a buildup of Bankss, increasing the effectivity of Bankss in commanding inundations ( Masoudian, 2009, p.16 ) . The fact that cut downing the bank inclines so besides reduces eroding along the river Bankss has a negative impact on natural river processes. Without eroding on the river Bankss there will be a decreased sum of deposits, a decreased degree of wood dust and a decreased sum of channel migration. Therefore, the eroding happening of course along river Bankss is critical in keeping an active balance within river systems. Aquatic home grounds will besides be affected ; cut downing bank inclines has a negative impact of uncluttering countries where fish may hole up during the twenty-four hours in order to be safe from marauders. Juvenile fish normally hide in undercut river Bankss doing it an indispensable constituent of an aquatic home ground ( Masoudian, 2009, p.17 ) . Reinforcing riversides This technique involves adding supportive stuff to riverbanks in order to increase their stableness and in defying inundation flows. The most normally used support method involves seting natural flora as it acts as a stabilizer and increases the ability of riversides to command inundations. Planting flora on riversides can be done through hydro seeding, which involves assorted methods to add a mixture of H2O, fertiliser and seeds into riversides. The deep-rooted seeds will so turn and organize a huge web of root systems. The root system helps in keeping the dirt together, which so strengthens the riversides. The other method used to present works stuff on riversides is manus seting. In this technique, mature workss are inserted into riversides to go on with their growing ( Stokes, et al. , 2007, p.50 ) . Planting mature workss has the advantage of supplying immediate protection against inundations through flow decrease. The other method involves the usage of works mats, which are either natural or man-made stuffs implanted with works seeds and fertilisers. The mats are so spread on the riversides, and so the lacrimation procedure follows to let the seeds to shoot and back up the undermentioned growing. Apart from watering the works mats, continued instabilities in the river degree can assist in sprouting and back uping growing ( Beek, et al. , 2008, p.33 ) . The chief impact of presenting workss along river Bankss is the formation of strong riversides that can defy force per unit area from fluxing H2O. The other impact is the bar of enhanced channel migration. Floods that may happen along Bankss with sufficient works stuff may be less terrible compared to those happening in countries without works stabilizers. The usage of works stabilizers provides a durable solution to command of inundations. This technique besides offers an environmental friendly method of inundation control, which is easy to keep. Continued additions of flora along riversides additions channel raggedness and reduces the H2O speed. The usage of workss besides comes with the advantage of supplying nutrient for the aquatic life in the protected rivers. Fish may besides happen a natural home ground in the huge root system generated by workss ( Beek, et al. , 2008, p.34 ) . Gabions Gabions are constructed utilizing wire mesh baskets that are filled with rocks of two-six inches. Like workss, gabions are meant to beef up river Bankss, which boost ‘s the river Bankss ability to defy force per unit area from fluxing H2O. However, for gabions to be effectual workss should be added to them. Gabions besides deteriorate in clip, which means that replacings are required when they stop working decently. The usage of gabions reduces the natural eroding that occurs along riversides. This so reduces the sum of deposits delivered to downstream home grounds. In add-on, flows that are deflected by the gabions may make new river channels ( Mascarenhas, 2011, p.82 ) . Gabions besides lead to an addition in H2O speed, which has the disadvantage of cut downing the sum of backwater that is indispensable for the endurance of fish and other aquatic life. Well-designed gabions may function as a dependable beginning for engendering crushed rock every bit good as home grounds for aquatic life. Techniques applied along the river channel Sediment trap/mining This technique involves unearthing or dredging a depression on the river bottom. Construction of deposit traps requires the proper appraisal of deposit burden within a river in times of implosion therapy. Care of sediment traps require continued excavation of deposits after every serious inundation event. Sediment excavation reduces the sum of deposit sedimentations in the river channel, which in bend increases the channel volume every bit good as the inundation transit. Removing deposits could merely hold a short term impact of improved inundation transit because of the continued deposition of deposits downstream. Therefore, continued remotion of deposits is necessary to forestall incidences of implosion therapy ( Mascarenhas, 2011, p.105 ) . Removal of deposits within the river channel affects natural river processes. One consequence of deposit excavation is the alteration of the channel morphology. Any alterations in the channel morphology affect the manner the H2O flow and the river bed interact with each other. Removing deposits from the river channel changes the channel gradient. These alterations so have farther impacts on the gradient both upstream and downstream. An addition in the gradient in one location of the river may take to the formation of a â€Å" 5 point † or otherwise known as a â€Å" nick point † . This leads to increased eroding in the channel, which extends to a point where the gradient is stable or where there is bedrock resistant to eroding ( Raudkivi, 1993, p.35 ) . The remotion of deposits affects aquatic home grounds in several ways. When all right deposits are removed, there is a creative activity of a spawning home ground for a assortment of fish species. On the other manus, remotion of engendering crushed rock reduces the degree of engendering home grounds ( Raudkivi, 1993, p.41 ) . Flow realignment This technique of inundation control involves the excavation of new and deeper channels on the river bed but with a different place compared to the bing channels. When flow realignment is done to increase inundation transit, there is a decrease in frequence and badness of inundations. Flow realignment creates different constructions for the river flow. This interferes with natural river processes both upstream and downstream. The most important impact of flow realignment is evidently on aquatic home grounds. The usage of heavy equipment to do flow realignments creates perturbations on the river bed ; this alters bing aquatic home grounds. Therefore, use of flow realignment techniques needs thorough appraisal of possible impacts on the aquatic ecosystem ( Fleming, 2002, p.47 ) . Word Count: 2,108

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Christianity and the comparison of two professor's viewpoints Essay

Christianity and the comparison of two professor's viewpoints - Essay Example The first argument is that Christians, like Jewish, believe in supreme god called Yahweh. They both perceive Yahweh as a single, creating, universal God who spoke through cannons or sacred text. Christianity is anchored on the principles that God still acts in the world just like He used to act during the time of Moses. He builds a personal relationship with anyone who believes on him or any person who follows His laws. Because of this, every Christian is expected to keep God’s laws and live a holy life(Boardman, Griffin & Murray 225). Christians, like Jewish, are expected to set an example of holiness and morality to the rest of the world. They also believe that both Christians and the Jewish believe that social justice is an imperative requirement that forms the main basis through which ethical standards for Christianity is determined. The two professors believe that both the Jewish and Christian believes that the image of Jesus as messiah is framed within the context of Jew ish prophetic literature (Matthews & Platt 53). Additionally, just like Judaism, Christian believes that there is a divine savior at the end of time. The two professors believes that Christian religion is indebted in Judaism and that for one to fully understand the principles governing that Christian life, he or she must have background information related to the Judaism. The two professors believed that Roman Empire had a lot of influence on Christianity’s history. The Roman Empire had several doctrines that were appealing. Political solidity and communication over a large area helped missionary efforts to spread the religion (Guisepi, 2003, p.56). Therefore, in the Western Humanities, Professor Matthews and Platt feel that the main influences on Christianity were Judaism and the Roman Empire with other, smaller religions also having an impact (Matthews & Platt 61). They believed that Roman Empire adopted Christianity as a way of teaching Christ and its ideology. They asserted that

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Think of one character from hamlet who makes either a good decision or Essay

Think of one character from hamlet who makes either a good decision or a bad decision. Identufy that decisiom, tell us how it a - Essay Example This essay considers Hamlet’s decision to delay killing Claudius, examines how it affects Hamlet, indicates why Hamlet made that decision, and indicates that Hamlet made the wrong decision. Hamlet’s decision to delay killing Claudius represents the worst decision of the play and the decision to which nearly all negative narrative elements emerge from. One of the primary reasons for the negative aspects of this decision is the problems it creates with Hamlet’s relationships. During the beginning scenes of the play the reader comes to grasps Hamlet’s growing anger at Claudius. Referring to Claudius who asks Hamlet a question, Hamlet responds, â€Å"A little more than kin, a little less than kind† (Act I, scene ii, 267). Here Hamlet is indicating the nature of his relationship with Claudius in a negative way; more than kin means Claudius is now more than merely his uncle, and less than kind means Hamlet is angered about this occurrence. While this stat ement doesn’t overtly indicate Hamlet’s psychic dysfunction, it does give an early indication of his growing negative demeanor that would come to affect not only him, but all the other characters in the play. As this act advances and Hamlet interacts with his mother, his general spite and hatred becomes evident. He states, â€Å"'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother,/ Nor customary suits of solemn black,/ Nor windy suspiration of forced breath,/ No, nor the fruitful river in the eye,/ Nor the dejected 'havior of the visage,/ Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief,/ That can denote me truly† (Act I, scene ii, 280-285). At this point it’s clear that Hamlet has been significantly affected by his father’s death and is angered at Claudius for the action. In these regards, Hamlet’s indecision to kill Claudius and resolve the problem has both affected his relationship with his mother. Another of the central elements related to Hamletâ €™s decision to delay killing Claudius is the psychic confusion it creates within Hamlet’s own demeanor. While Hamlet’s decision not to kill Claudius at this point has affected his relationship with his mother, perhaps the more central concern of this decision is its effect it had on Hamlet himself. While earlier Hamlet had indicated his discontentment towards Claudius, he later goes to internalize his discontent. In Hamlet’s first soliloquy, the reader comes to realize the incredible psychic confusion and anger Hamlet is experiencing. Hamlet states, â€Å"Oh, that this too, too sullied flesh would melt,/ Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew,/ Or that the Everlasting had not fixed/ His canon 'gainst self-slaughter! O God, God!† (Act I, scene ii, 333-336). Here the reader discovers that Hamlet is experiencing suicidal thoughts as a result of the actions relating to Claudius. Indeed, this becomes a prominent theme throughout the play, with many of Hamlet ’s soliloquys indicating his intense passion and desire to commit suicide; this is perhaps most notably seen in ‘to be or no to be’ soliloquy. With this intensity of expression, it’s clear that Hamlet would be better off murdering Claudius and resolving his psychic confusion, rather than suffering the sling and arrows of outrageous fortune. In addition to Hamlet’s decision to delay killing Claudius affecting his demeanor and his relations with others, Shakespeare also indicates that the combining of these elements is also a treacherous element throughout the pla

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Problem Formulation and Identification Paper Essay - 1

Problem Formulation and Identification Paper - Essay Example bable due to start-up financial constraints and approval difficulties from FDA, Chao faced reality; he opted to first enter the generic drug making industry where costs are lower and risks on FDA approval, lower. This decision was made after finding out in Chao’s research that though the generic drugs industry yielded lower margins compared to its branded counterpart they were able to gain handsome income. Watson’s finances were insufficient to operate the company in its early days. With this problem, Chao had displayed another of his quality in solving the problem, by persistently finding a method that works. After failed attempts to acquire funding from banks and other orthodox financial sources, instead of he decided to tap the Taiwanese community in his area for monetary aid. With Chao’s leadership, the company was also able to point out alternative opportunities that could eventually solve its problem. Knowing that he cannot squarely compete, Watson seized the market niche where his competitors had dared not to tap because of low margin. With the unique operating stratagem implemented by its founder and CEO, the company was able to capitalize on the territories that are untapped by its competitors in its early years to generate sales. By producing generic drugs these low margin niche drug markets, Watson Pharmaceuticals was able become pioneers in them. As profits went in, the company had again inked out another problem, how to make the company grow. This propelled them to product innovation, to improve the status quo by finding ideas that will make their products more effective and sellable. Watson had successfully gained the exclusive right to produce additional 17 generic products. This surged Watson’s profits even further. Having sufficient money to expand further, Watson Pharmaceuticals acquired other pharmaceutical companies that will extend their market reach. The company was able to incorporate 9 subsidiaries to its empire. Watson

Monday, August 26, 2019

Advantages and disadvantages of alternative dispute resolution over Assignment

Advantages and disadvantages of alternative dispute resolution over litigation in international business - Assignment Example According to the American Bar Association, ADR is an â€Å"an array of non-binding and binding dispute resolution methods that entail the application of third-party neutrals to help the parties in contract controversies through a systematic settlement process† (ABA, 1999).2 Similarly the United States Code in section 571 explains that ADR comprises of the following aspects, conciliation, facilitation, mediation, fact-finding, mini-trials, arbitration and ombudsmen, the above aspects can be combined in ADR. As noted by Shamir ADR is applied in different civil law policy situations, and not just in global Institutionalized in a lot of court systems and justice systems around the world.3 Though ADR is accepted by globally, it has some disadvantages, thus this paper aims at examining the advantages of ADR over litigation. For clarity of the issue, the paper will begin by giving an overview of the concept of ADR. Use and Cost of litigation According to Nolan-Haley litigation has be en mostly used as a traditional way of resolving disputes, whether they are local or international business transactions.4 Prior to the introduction and development of ADR process such as arbitration, the only formal method or resolving disputes between two or more parties was litigation. In the same way equity was introduced in the English legal justice system which came in stages to control the ruthlessness and inflexibility of the common law, is the way ADR was introduced to control litigation. Litigation is a costly process for businesses, particularly in cases that involve significant issues such as patent, infringement, breach of important business contracts, antitrust laws and securities. In these cases, a lot of money could be lost by a company. For example Real Networks Inc, a public traded company in its 2004 annual press report indicated that it has used about 15,000,000 in only one antitrust litigation case.5 This goes on to show how costly litigation is, and this aspect of court cases is well known to companies. It is because of such cases that ADR methods have become more popular as a way of resolving disputes. Indeed, records from the American Arbitration Association indicated that in 2005 alone, the number of cases forward to the body was 142,000, an increase from 159,000 recorded in 2004. However, the most common ADR method used to resolve disputes is arbitration, which in the past ten years has been highly used by various companies in resolving their disputes. Shamir explains that, the high costs of litigations are caused by the long duration related with litigation. In many cases, litigation goes on for years before a conclusion is made.6 This occurs owing to the slow system of the courts and judges in completing cases and the many adjournments made. Therefore as the cases drags on, the costs also keeps increasing. In other cases, the net expenses of litigation can be impacted by other factors like the sum of money under dispute, the nature of the legal representative , the nature of the dispute (if its local or international) and the length of case. This means that the total cost of the litigation can not be predicated correctly and this makes budgeting for such a litigation to be a tough call. A good example is a case that involved AMOCO CATs7, which ended up as a high profile case. The amount of money spend on that case from the time the case started to the end of the case was 12 million pounds. Again, in another case of Amoco V. British American Offshore, the legal expenses of that case stood

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Federal Contracting Activities and Contract Types Research Paper

Federal Contracting Activities and Contract Types - Research Paper Example Many governments nevertheless have continued to use these machines. The Department of Defense plans to issue a $400,000 government contract to a company that specializes in drone navigation technologies. This paper will review two companies Lockheed Martin and Boeing Company. Further, it will determine which of the two should win the contract. In 1916, an idea to build a better airplane was conceived by William Edward Boeing in a boathouse on Seattle’s Lake Union when he assembled a group of expert to bring this dream to life. Today, the Boeing Company is the largest aerospace company in the world manufacturing commercial aircraft, satellites and military aircrafts. With over 145 countries as customers, the company boasts of over fifty billion dollars annual profits (Yenne, 2005). Currently, it is the leading contractor to the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). By the turn of the century, the company employed over 150,000 people in over 60 countries. Curr ently the company is headquartered in Chicago. Boeing Co. brings together five of the most influential corporations in aerospace history. This cooperation includes Hughes space and communication, McDonnell and Douglas, Boeing, North America aviation and North America Rockwell. McDonnell and Douglas had previously merged in 1967 while Hughes space and communication merged with Boeing Co. in 2000. Boeing’s business model is carried out by two major groups, Boeing commercial airplanes and integrated defense systems. The current chairman and CEO of the company is James McNerney. Lockheed Martin is an American security, advanced technology, defense and aerospace company founded in 1995 by the merger of Martin Marietta and Lockheed corporations. In 1996, it acquired Loral corporations. Its headquarters are in Maryland, Washington; currently, the company employees over one hundred thousand people in over five countries. Primarily, the company is involved in research, design, develop ment, manufacture, and sustainability of advanced technology systems. The journey of Lockheed Martin began in 1912 when Glen Martin founded the Glen L. Martin Company. From a rented church building, Glen built his first airplane. In the same year, Malcolm and Alan Lockheed established the Alco Hydro-Aeroplane Company. This company was later renamed the Lockheed Aircraft Company. Malcolm and Alan were competent mechanics who in their garage built seaplanes. Lockheed Martin Corporations grew from a church and a Garage. These were very humble beginnings but the founders were unrelenting and visionary men who saw a better future for their businesses. Lockheed Martin produces a number of aerospace and defense machines. Some of their several unmanned aero vehicles manufactures by Lockheed Martin include, K-max, tracer, stacker UAS, X56A, desert hawk III just to name but a few. In recent times, the Boeing Company has won a number of military contracts from several countries. In 1999, the B oeing Integrated Defense Systems was chosen to design and manufacture unmanned orbital vehicle. Boeing, Nasa and the US air Force jointly funded the project in a span of four years. The project cost was 194 million. In 2013, the Boeing Company in, St. Louis, Missouri was awarded a fifteen million firm-fixed-price contract by the US Navy. The contract was for

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Compare and contrast the scientific principles of Magnetic resonance Essay

Compare and contrast the scientific principles of Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound - Essay Example However, there are similarities and differences of these radiographic techniques in terms of scientific principles behind these, by which this paper intends to explore. Transmission and Reception of Waves. Magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound shares their similarity in their ability to transmit their respective waves, electromagnetic and acoustic waves respectively, while receiving the signals induced by these transmitted waves. In magnetic resonance imaging, transmit coils emit radio waves to the patient, calibrated at the precessional frequency or Larmor frequency of hydrogen-1 at 42.6 MHz under a magnetic field strength of 1.5 tesla or above, generates a strong magnetic signal within the hydrogen-1 nucleus which can be detected by the receiver coils of the device1. On the other hand, in ultrasound, ultrasonic acoustic waves come from the source transducer as a result of a piezoelectric effect (conversion of electrical to sound energy), and solid objects along the watery body tissues causes an echo, which will be detected by the receiving transducer using the same piezoelectric effect (conversion of sound energy to electrical energy)2. Type of Waves. There are differences between electromagnetic waves emitted by magnetic resonance imaging and the acoustic waves of ultrasound imaging, mainly on the speed of wave travel (electromagnetic waves are faster than acoustic waves), ability to travel in an empty space (acoustic waves cannot travel in a vacuum while electromagnetic waves can), and the type of waves traveling along fluid (longitudinal and transverse in electromagnetic waves, while longitudinal only in acoustic waves), yet both electromagnetic and acoustic waves are similar to be having properties of frequencies, amplitude, intensity2. How these properties are used in both devices is also dissimilar (the frequency of electromagnetic waves in MRI is set to a standard 42.6 MHz setting, while the frequency in ultrasound is calibrated according to the de pth of penetration)1 2. Non-use of ionizing radiation. Both magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound do not utilize ionizing radiation present in x-ray, computerized tomography and fluoroscopy. In magnetic resonance imaging, the electromagnetic wave frequency of 42.6 MHz is very low to cause ionization of molecules, while acoustic waves are not a type of radiation which causes ionization of molecules even in high frequencies2. Body Temperature Elevation. Both magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound produces heat. Heat is a form if energy, which can be appreciated in thermodynamics as â€Å"internal energy† in terms of excitement of molecules. From elastic energy, while the waves are being deformed by compression and rarefaction, there is energy transformation into heat or thermal energy which can be absorbed by the system3. Waves, whether it is radio frequency electromagnetic or acoustic, has the property of intensity, which is the power output per area (I = P / A) while e nergy can be computed as power over a period of time (E = P / t). If power will be substituted, energy is equal to the product of intensity and area, divided by time (E = [I x A] / t). By this formula, it is already clear that energy is involved in waves. Assuming that the wave is at rest, the energy of a wave is its potential energy. However, if the wave is put in motion, this potential energy will be

Friday, August 23, 2019


POL2000 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT WK 5 ASSIGNMENT - Coursework Example 214). Elections that take place halfway between head of state elections are referred to as midterm elections. These elections, for instance, the ones that took place in 2006 and 2010, select 1/3 of the United States governing body, every House of Representative affiliate, various governors, additional nationwide officeholder’s, as well as state representatives by ballot. Countless local selections for affiliates of the city council and mayors take place in the spring of years that are odd-numbered. Registration, turnout, and mobilization affect a rise in voting. Registration is a legal requirement for voter registration that came about arose because of a rejoinder to concerns concerning voting abuses; however, it also puts voting off. Voter registration prerequisite substantially have an effect on voting rates (Magleby, Light, & Nemacheck, 2011, pp. 224-225). Turnout is the voting-age public percentage that cast their ballots. Turnout is higher within general elections compared to primary selections and higher within primary elections compared to special elections. Turnout is also higher within presidential universal elections compared to midterm universal elections, and sky-scraping in presidential principal elections compared to midterm primary elections. Voter turnout is moreover higher in elections within which federal office aspirants are on the opinion poll than in national voting in years when no centralized contests exist (Magleby, Light, & Nemacheck, 2011, pp. 226). Mobilization is another circumstance that affects an increase in voting because in a country as uniformly divided in politics as the USA is currently, candidates ought to also marshal their most dedicated followers, or their â€Å"base†. This reaffirms their sustenance for concerns or groups that are important to the base. The communication volume within competitive elections and battlefield states in current elections has been astonishing (Magleby, Light, &

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Constipation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Constipation - Essay Example According to Mitchelle, constipation is an embarrassing topic to talk about though is a common problem that affects people. Constipation makes one feel uncomfortable, sluggish, bloated and heavy. Removal of waste from the body regularly makes one healthy and is vital to living. Constipation diagnosis is based upon the symptom displayed, medical history and physical examination. Mostly, constipation is diagnosed by a doctor or self-diagnosis. However there are situation where the doctor feels that there is a need to carry out some test and special diagnosis for more complicated cases of constipation that is chronic (2). In India, most patients who have constipation are the middle-aged men and have a sense of incomplete bowel movement. Abdominal discomfort is not universal but can be frequent. When a research was carried in India stool frequency was similar irrespective of whether the patient constipated or had a diarrhea. Ninety percent had one or two stools per day and these symptoms were complex and suggested presence of IBS. Study from India have used western criteria have defined constipation, indeterminate was found to be the most common symptoms’ among patients who presented themselves with chronic functional lower GI symptoms, but majority of them had predominant constipation. Studies have shown that women are more prone to constipation as compared to men in most parts of the world but in India, more men are reported to be having constipation than female. These tests were hospital based (Goshal, 1). The nurses should create a healthy care plan so that they can keep the patient with good health. They should mobilize the patient and encourage them to have regular exercise or attend exercise classes. This will help stimulate the patient to have a bowel movement. The information that they got during the NP practice, should be used to educate the patient and help them review the kind of diet component a

Starbucks Management Essay Example for Free

Starbucks Management Essay Management clearly plays one of the biggest roles in how successful a company can and will\be. Starbucks profoundly shows exquisite and powerful connections with their employees and coffee suppliers. Their management skills shadow Mitz Berg’s liaison roles and Katz’s human and conceptual theories by taking it into their own hands to connect and support each supplier. Not only does Starbucks show these great managerial aspects, they portray the beauty of an open system and use of the modern behaviors in their roles. Starbucks is a great example of a beautifully functioning business, integrated with the interpersonal skills needed to thrive. Management is defined as the process of dealing with or controlling things or people. Dub Hay, the Starbucks Senior VP of coffee, demonstrates some of the best managerial skills needed to be successful in a company. Hay shows that he can properly control the flow of product into a company by also controlling the relationship he has with the product growers. Jerry Miccolis and Marina Goodman state â€Å"†¦ the relationship between any two assets changes with how the assets themselves are performing (47). They put it quite perfectly, relating back to how Starbucks would not be able to operate so perfectly without the proper relationship with their assets, the growers and suppliers. Starbucks, according to Hay, specifically pays more for their coffee from their suppliers so that their suppliers may have a steady income as well. This builds an excellent relationship as well as product security quality and flow into the company. According to an online video, this process is obviously working for Starbucks for they have more than 6,000 outlets in 30 countries with annual revenue of 3. 3 million dollars (http://lc. gcumedia. com/zwebassets/courseMaterialPages/mgt240_starbucks-video-v1. 1. php). This revenue and success are not only measured upon sales, but upon managerial roles as well. Mitz berg has many managerial roles but the one that Hay portrays the best is the liaison role. The liaison establishes and maintains contacts inside and outside of an organization. Hay specifically demonstrates this by ensuring that each supplier of coffee has the best income possible and is producing the best coffee possible. Starbucks chooses its suppliers carefully and makes certain they know the exact practice of producing the best coffee beans. This relationship is what

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Estimation of Tranexamic Acid Andethamsylate Using RP-HPLC

Estimation of Tranexamic Acid Andethamsylate Using RP-HPLC Chapter-3 Experimental work 3. EXPERIMENTAL WORK 3.1 MATERIALS AND METHODS Table 2. List of Chemical and standers used S.No Chemicals Manufacturer Name Grade 1 Water Processed in Bright Labs HPLC grade 2 Acetonitrile Fisher scientific HPLC grade 3 Orthophosphoric acid Merck GR grade 4 Tranexamic acid Sun pharma ltd BP 5 Ethamsylate Sun pharma ltd USP 6 KH2PO4 Merck GR grade 7 K2HPO4 Merck GR grade 8 Methanol Merck HPLC grade Table 3. List of instruments used S.No Instrumentname Model Number Soft Ware Manufacturers name 1 HPLC-auto sampler-UV detector ACME9000 Auto crome 3000 Youngline 2 Electronic balance Lab India 3 Sonicator CWUC9L 201402822 Spectrum tek 4 Vacuum Pump 28965405-289717 Vacuubrand 5 0.45 µ filter paper HPLC grade Rankem 3.2. Method development for the simultaneous estimation of Tranexamic acid andethamsylate by using RP-HPLC. Selection of mobile phase Selection of detectionwavelength Selection of column Selection of solvent delivery system Selection of flow rate Selection of column temperature Selection of diluent Selection of test concentration and injection volume 3.2.1. Selection of mobile phase Phosphate Buffer: Methanol (30:70) 3.2.2. Selection of wavelength 10mg Tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate were dissolved in mobile phase. The overlay spectrum was used for selection of wavelength for Tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate The iso-bestic point was taken as detection wavelength 286nm. 3.2.3. Selection of column Heart of HPLC made of 316 grade stainless steel packed with stationary phase. Silica based columns with different cross linking’s in the increasing order of polarity are as follows: à ¯Ã†â€™Ã… ¸- Non-polar-moderately polarPolar-à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   C1886 In reverse phase chromatography, hydrophobic interaction between drug molecule and the alkyl chains on the column packing material. Column is selected based on solubility, polarity chemical differences among analytes and Column selected: i.e. X-Bridge C18 (150 Ãâ€" 4.6 mm, packed with 5  µm), particle size Reasons: Better separation, Good tailing factor. 3.2.4. Selection of solvent delivery system Always preferable solvent delivery system. More chance of getting reproducible result on retention time of analytes. More economic than gradient technique. 3.2.5. Selection of flow rate Acceptable limit: Not more than 2.5 ml/min Flow rate selected was 1.0ml/min Flow rate is selected based on 1. Retention time 2. Column back pressure 3. Peak symmetry. 4. Separation of impurities. Reasons: For earlier elution of analyte and elution of all impurities within 10 min Information from the reference method in literature. 3.2.6. Selection of diluent Selection of diluents is based on the solubility of the analyte Diluent selected: Phosphate Buffer: Methanol (30:70 % v/v) Reason: Analyte is soluble in acetonitrile and water. 3.2.7. Selection of column temperature Preferable temperature is ambient or room temperature. Reasons: To elute all impurities along with analyte with in 10 min of run time. Less retention time Good peak shape Higher theoretical plates. Good resolution. 3.2.8. Selection of test concentration and injection volume Test concentration is finalized after it is proved that API is completely extractable at the selected test concentration. Test concentration is fixed based upon the response of API peak at selected detector wavelength. Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate label claimed 25mg and 50 mg And the test concentration selected is 100ppm Injection volume selected is 20 µL. Reason: good peak area, retention time, peak symmetry Chromatographic trails for simultaneous estimation Tranexamic acid Ethamsylate TRIAL 1 Parameters Method Stationary phase (column) : Kromosil C18 (150 Ãâ€" 4.6 mm, packed with 5  µm) Mobile Phase : 100% of Methanol Ph : 3.0  ± 0.02 Flow rate (ml/min) : 1.0 Run time (minutes) : 8.0 Column hotness ( °C) : Ambient Volume of injection loop (à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l) : 20 Detection wavelength (nm) : 242 Drugs RT (min) : 2.91 4.42 Fig. 4: Trial 1 S.No. Name RT[min] Area[ µV*s] TP TF Resolution 1 Tranexamic Acid 2.9167 491583 7707.5 1.0833 0.0000 2 Ethamsylate 4.4227 1076649 10124.7 1.0124 5.3676 Sum 1568232 Observation: 100% Methanol used for this trial, flow rate was 1ml/min at ambient temperature. Faster elution of the analyte takes place . TRIAL 2 Parameters Method Stationary phase (column) : Inertsil C18 (250 Ãâ€" 4.6 mm, packed with 5  µm) Mobile Phase : 30:70 (Methanol : water) Ph : 3.5  ± 0.02 Flow rate (ml/min) : 1.0 Run time (minutes) : 8.0 Column temperature ( °C) : Ambient Volume of injection loop (à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l) : 20 Detection wavelength (nm) : 228 Drugs RT (min) : 2.81 5.34 Fig. 5: Trial 2 S.No. Name RT[min] Area[ µV*s] TP TF Resolution 1 Tranexamic Acid 2.8167 1272583 4707.5 1.0333 0.0000 2 Ethamsylate 5.3467 1952369 9124.7 1.0524 7.1376 Sum 3224952 Observation: Methanol and water was used in the ratio of 70:30. The flow rate was 1ml/min at ambient temperature.Couldn’t get consistent retention time TRIAL 3 Parameters Method Stationary phase (column) : Inertsil C18 (250 Ãâ€" 4.6 mm, packed with 5  µm) Mobile Phase : 30:70 (Methanol : Phosphate Buffer) Ph : 3.0  ± 0.02 Flow rate (ml/min) : 1.0 Run time (minutes) : 15.0 Column temperature ( °C) : Ambient Volume of injection loop (à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l) : 20 Detection wavelength (nm) : 236 Drugs RT (min) : 2.86 10.48 Fig. 6: Trial 3 S.No. Name RT[min] Area[ µV*s] TP TF Resolution 1 Tranexamic Acid 2.8627 407583 2307.5 1.2833 0.0000 2 Ethamsylate 10.4802 9792049 9901.7 1.3124 10.2646 Sum 10199632 Observation: Methanol and Phosphate Buffer used in the ratio of (30:70 ) Couldn’t get consistent retention time Discussion: The above trials indicating that RT for the drug was not constant and elution time was faster which not prefered for the analysis. TRAIL 4 Optimizing method Parameters Method Stationary phase (column) : X-Bridge C18 (150 Ãâ€" 4.6 mm, packed with 5  µm) Mobile Phase : 30:70 (Phosphate Buffer : Methanol) pH : 3.2  ± 0.02 Flow rate (ml/min) : 1.0 Run time (minutes) : 8.0 Column temperature ( °C) : Ambient Volume of injection loop (à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l) : 20 Detection wavelength (nm) : 286 Drugs RT (min) : 3.01 5.06 Fig. 7: Developed Chromatogram S.No. Name RT[min] Area[ µV*s] TP TF Resolution 1 Tranexamic Acid 3.0167 1574827 3707.5 1.0833 0.0000 2 Ethamsylate 5.0667 2779277 5124.7 1.0124 8.5376 Sum 4354104 Discussion: All the experiments were complete by the higher than developed method and the consequences were acceptable. Optimized chromatographic conditions for simultaneous estimation of Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate Trail 4: (Optimized Chromatographic Conditions) Parameters Method Stationary phase (column) : X-Bridge C18 (150 Ãâ€" 4.6 mm, packed with 5  µm) Mobile Phase : 30:70 (Phosphate Buffer : Methanol) PH : 3.2  ± 0.02 Flow rate : 1.0 Run time (min) : 8.0 Column temperature ( °C) : Ambient Volume of injection loop (à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l) : 20 Detection wavelength (nm) : 286 Drugs RT (min) : 3.01 5.06 Assay procedure Preparation of 0.2M phosphate buffer: Buffer solution prepares by dissolving 2.72g of Potassium dihydrogen ortho phosphate (KH2PO4) in 1L of water and the degassing of the solution. Diluents Preparation: 1L of diluents was prepared by mixing 300 ml of 0.02 M Phosphate Buffer and 700 ml of Methanol. Preparation of stock solution: Accurately weighed 10 mg of the both Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate is transferred to 10 ml fresh and dry volumetric flask. The amount was making up to the mark among the Methanol and mixed well. This yielded a stock solution with concentration 1000 ppm of Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate mixture. Preparation of standard solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate stock solution transferred to 10 ml clean and dried volumetric flask. Then compose up the amount up to the mark among the diluents and mix well. Finally the standard stock solution with concentrations of 25 ppm and 25 ppm of Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate respectively. Procedure 20à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­Lof the standard and sample was injected into the chromatographic system and areas for the Tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate from the peaks were used for calculating the % assay by using the formulae. Assay calculation AT WS DT P Avg. Wt Assay % = x -x x -x 100 AS DS WT 100 Label Claim Where: AT = Average area counts of sample preparation. AS = Average area counts of standard preparation. WS=Weight of working standard taken in mg. P= Percentage purity of working standard LC = Label Claim of Tranexamic acid , Ethamsylate mg/ml. 3.4 METHOD VALIDATION 3.4.1 ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION Validation parameters Specificity Linearity Range Accuracy Precision System precision Repeatability Intermediate Precision Detection Limit Quantitation Limit Robustness 1. Specificity The system suitability for specificity was carried out to determine whether there are any interference of any impurities in retention time of analytical peak. The study was performed by injecting blank. 2. Linearity The linearity is a systematic method its ability (within a given range) to get assessment results, which are directly relative to the absorption (amount) of analyte in sample. Preparation of standard stock solution: Accurately weighed 10 mg of the both tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate was transferred in to 10 ml fresh and dry volumetric flask. After that the amount was made up to the mark with the Methanol and mix well. This yielded a stock solution amid attention 1000 ppm of tranexamic acid with Ethamsylate mixture. Preparation of standard solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate stock was transferred to 10 ml clean and dry volumetric flask. Then the volume was made up to the mark with the diluent and mixed well. This yielded a standard stock solution with concentrations of 25ppm and 25ppm of tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate respectively10 Procedure: Prepared a series of standard solutions not less than five during the particular concentration range along with investigate them like for each method. Acceptance criteria: The correlation coefficient should be not less than 0.9990 3. Range The range of a systematic process is the gap between the superior and lower concentration of analyte in sample for which it has been established to the investigative practice was a suitable level of accuracy, precision and linearity. Acceptance criteria: Linearity, Precision and Recovery should be shown. The logic behind this parameter was – typical concentration range was essential between which the actual concentration should fall when performing real sample analysis.10 4. Accuracy Preparation of standard stock solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate stock solution transfer to 10 ml fresh and dried volumetric flask. Make up the volume up to mark with the diluents and mix well. The standard stock solution with concentrations of 25 ppm and 25 ppm of tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate respectively. Method procedure: Prepared solutions in triplicate at levels 80%, 100% and 120s% of test concentrations using for tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate working Standards as per the test method and injected each solution in triplicate. Sample Are 100 % Recovery = x x 100 Standared Area conc. in % Accuracy normally refers to the difference between the mean of the set of results and the true or correct value for the quantity measured. According to IUPAC accuracy relates to the difference between results (or mean) and the true value. For analytical methods, there are two possible ways of determining the accuracy, absolute method and comparative method. Accuracy is best reported as percentage bias, which is calculated from the expression Procedure: Known amount of drug substance spiked with known amount of standard drug- minimum of three levels (80%, 100% 120% of test concentration), each level was triplicate. Acceptance criteria: Assay recovery should be between 97%-103%.10 5. Precision Preparation of standard solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate stock solution transferred to 10 ml clean and dried volumetric flask. Subsequently make up the volume up to the mark among the diluent and well mixed. Finally the standard stock solution with concentrations of 25 ppm and 25 ppm of tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate respectively. Method precision: Six individual preparations were prepared using single batch of tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate functioning standard as for each test process and injected each one solutions. Injection precision: Solo preparation was prepared using single batch of Tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate effective standard as for each urbanized process in addition to injected six injections10. Acceptance Criteria: 1. RSD should not be more than 2.0% for five replicate injections of standard. 6. Ruggedness Preparation of standard solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate stock solution transferred to 10 ml clean and dried volumetric flask. Subsequently make up the quantity up to the mark among the diluents and well mix. Finally the standard stock solution with concentrations of 25 ppm and 25 ppm of tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate respectively. Method Procedure: The standard solution was individually prepared as per the test method and injected each solution in six times using different system, analyst, and date. Acceptance Criteria: Overall RSD should not be more than 2.0 %. 7. Limit detection and limit of quantitation LOD: Lowest amount of analyte in a sample that can be detected but not necessarily quanities, under the stated experimental conditions. Preparation of standard solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate stock solution transferred to 10 ml clean and dried volumetric flask. Then build up the quantity up to the mark with the diluents and mix well. Finally the standard stock solution with concentrations of 25 ppm and 25 ppm of Tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate respectively. Method Procedure: The mobile phase was permissible to run equilibrate with stationary phase up to good baseline was obtained. The different concentration ranging from 0.01 to 0.1ppm of tranexamic acid and 0.01 to 0.1ppm Ethamsylate was injected and peaks were recorded. 0.03 and 0.03ppm for tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate concentrations were detected respectively. LOD can be calculated based on signal-noise ratio,by using following formula LOD = S/N Where, S = Signal Obtained From LOD Solution. N = Average Baseline Noise Obtained from Blank Acceptance criteria for LOD and LOQ RSD Criteria Concentration at which RSD Concentration at which RSD 8. Robustness Preparation of standard solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate stock solution transferred to 10 ml clean and dried volumetric flask. After that make up the quantity up to the mark with diluent and well mixed. Finally the standard stock solution with concentrations of 25 ppm and 25 ppm of tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate respectively. Method procedure: 1. Flow: The standard solution was prepared and injected for the two times with (+1) flow rate. 2. Mobile Phase: The standard solution was prepared and injected for the two times with (+5) Mobile Phase composition. Appraise of its capability to remain unchanged by minute, but conscious variations in process parameters and provides signal of its reliability during its normal usage. Procedure: samples were analyzed under the following conditions.10 3. Stability studies In the rational design and evaluation of dosage forms for the drugs, the stability of the activity components must be a major criterion in determining their stability. The medicine has to reach the patient in an active and acceptable form maintaining the criteria for acceptable equality. The quality of the product has to be retained as long as the product is offered for sale or for administration to the patient. 10 Acceptance Criteria: Overall RSD should not be more than 2.0 %. 9. System suitability Preparation of standard solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate stock solution transferred to 10 ml clean and dried volumetric flask. Subsequently make up the amount up to the mark with diluent and well mixed. Finally the standard stock solution with concentrations of 25 ppm and 25 ppm of tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate respectively. Procedure: Standard solution was prepared and injected six times to test the performance of the chromatographic instrument. Acceptance Criteria: 1. RSD should not be more than 2.0% for five replicate injections of standard 2. USP Tailing for tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate peak in not more than 2.0 3. The column efficiency as determined for tranexamic acid and ethamsylate Plate Count should not be more than 2000. Dept.of Pharmaceutical Analysis JNTUA-OTRI, Ananthapuramu Page 1

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Haraway’s A Cyborg Manifesto Essay -- Science Technology Social Femini

Donna J. Haraway’s "A Cyborg Manifesto Haraway’s provocative proposal of envisioning the cyborg as a myth of political identity embodies the search for a code of displacement of "the hierarchical dualisms of naturalized identities" (CM, 175), and thus for the breakdown of the logic of phallogocentrism and of the unity of the Western idealized self. Haraway defines the cyborg as "a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction" (CM, 149). Her argument is introduced as "an effort to build an ironic political myth faithful to feminism, socialism, and materialism" (CM, 149). She claims blasphemy and irony as her vantage tools. Blasphemy invokes the seriousness of the stance she adopts, as well as her distancing from the moral majority without breaking with the idea of community and connectivity, and "irony is about contradictions that do not resolve into larger wholes, even dialectically, about the tension of holding incompatible things together because both or all are necessary and true [†¦]. It is also a rhetorical strategy and a political method" (CM, 149). Thus, she posits the embracing of difference and partiality as a different perspective on identity, while the "Manifesto" of the title evokes notions of political commitment and avant-garde activism, alongside with historical reverberations of Futurists’ acclamations to the new machine-age. Haraway’s cyborg is a blending of both materiality and imagination, pleasure and responsibility, reality and the utopian dream of a world without gender and, maybe, without end. We are all hybrids of machine and organism. The cyborg is our ontology, a creature in a post-gender world with "no origin story in the... ...and involvement of the female writers into the questioning and subversion of objective transparency. Finally, the prominence of the visuality and corporeality of/inside the Literary Annual openly challenges the masculine illusion of modesty. Abbreviations CM: "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century". MW: Modest_Witness@Second Millennium. Works cited Haraway, Donna J. "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century". Simians, Cyborgs, and Women. The Reinvention of Nature. London: Free Association Books, 1991. ---. Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium. Feminism and Technoscience. New York: Routledge, 1997 Hunt, Leigh. "Pocket-books and Keepsakes". The Keepsake. Ed. William Harrison Ainsworth. London: Hurst, Chance & Co., & Robert Jennings, 1828.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Gulf War Syndrome Essay -- history

In 1990 the United States deployed 700,000 soldiers into and around the region of the middle east known as the Persian Gulf. The U.S. wanted to stop the progression of Iraqi forces who were invading the oil-rich neighboring country of Kuwait. When Iraq Surrendered to the Allied forces on March 5th they had been completely swept out of Kuwait. The United States only lost one-hundred-forty-eight men while Iraq’s losses where estimated around 100,000 men. Little did the United States know that the effects of this war effects would be much more extensive than one-hundred-forty-eight soldiers lost in battle. Ever since the war ended the Veteran Association and the Pentagon have been getting reports of reports of many varying illnesses. These illnesses have fallen onto the soldiers who bravely fought in the Gulf War. I believe that the Gulf war Syndrome does indeed exist. Furthermore I believe that the United States is just as much responsible for giving their soldiers this disease as the Iraqi nerve gas, oil fire smoke and post war stress. Lots of evidence has been presented yet many in this world don’t believe that this syndrome exists. Many experts believe that these illnesses ( Gulf War Syndrome) don’t exist. Including a ranking doctors in the pentagon. Dr. Stephen Joseph says this about the blight, â€Å"We found that there was no single hypothesis that could explain the symptoms of such a large # of people. The soldiers are suffering from stress related problems. Of the diseases they contracted, such as cancer or Lou Gehrigs disease, would have occurred whether or not the soldiers had gone to the gulf.†,. ( Brumley p 8) Dr. Joseph is a highly prestigious doctor working on the syndrome for the pentagon. He graduated from Harvard and has been assigned to many high profile jobs in the pentagon. The U.S. government doesn’t know what to believe so they granted a fifty million dollar grant to pay for illnesses believed to be caused by a mysterious syndrome. Although many don’t believe it this syndrome does exist and it has many different causes. Of the 700,000 men and women who served in the Gulf war 170,000 them have been hospitalized since 1991. 10,000 of them filed disability claims. And it is estimated that 35,000 ( Cary, Peter p, 33-34) more will fill out these disability claims. This average is much higher than the average number of hospitalizations of civilians.... ..., petroleum smoke from the nearby oil fires and post war stress. I also believe that the U.S. Government did a poor job of handling this problem. Men and woman who volunteer their lives for pride and for their country have been severely mistreated by the U.S. Government and deserve a apology. WORKS CITED Barnes,Elizebeth. 1992 Nursing Drug Handbook . Houston: Heath 1992, Brumley, Al. â€Å" Frontline Targets Gulf War Syndrome†. Dallas Morning News. 1998 Jan 20: 8 Bullman, Tim. â€Å" Mortality among U.S. Veterans of the Persia†. New England Journal of Medicine 20 1992: 45-47. Cary, Peter. â€Å" The Gulf War’s Grave Aura†. U.S. News and World Report 1996 July 8: 33-34. Compion, Ed MD. â€Å" Disease and Suspicion after the Persian Gulf War†. New England Journal of Medicine. 20 1992: 67 Fowler, Rebecca. â€Å" Sick Veterans†. World Press Review. 1996 May:9-10. Liu, M. â€Å" Tracking the Second Storm†. Newsweek 1994 May 16:56-57 Schmitt, Eric. â€Å" Special White House Panel Rejects Chemical Exposure as Coarse of Gulf war Illness†. New York Times. 1997 January 8th: 1. Shannon, Philip. â€Å" Once Healthy, Her Pain is Reminder of Gulf War Service†. New York Times 1997 January 2: 3.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Effects of Losing Rainforest :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to the article satellite images reflect that the Amazon rainforest is diminishing at an enormous rate. About 10,000 square miles of this beautiful forest is being lost to pastures for grazing, soybean plantations, and illegal logging. Since the year before there has been a forty percent increase in the deforestation of the Amazon forest. The Amazon is the world’s largest tropical rainforest. They expect this horrible trend to only become worse. Some conclude that if the forest is not protected that it will be wiped out in only eighty years!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The destruction of our earth’s rainforest is very depressing. Last semester I took Ecol 1000 and this class deals with all of the horrible things humans do to our planet. I didn’t realize that the rainforests were being destroyed at such a dramatic pace. People use a technique called â€Å"slash and burn† which enables them to clear plots in order for cattle or for other agricultural purposes. The rainforest provides a habitat for a wide array of species. This is not fair for people to go in and take over there homes. The destruction of the rainforests has intense adverse affects on lots of differing things. Rainforest not only house a great number of species of insects and trees but it also holds cures for diseases. The destruction of the rainforest has not really been proven how it will affect us because there is so much information to be gathered. We do not know all of the consequences that we will endure once all of the trees are gone and all of the wild life has been destroyed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is scary to think about the consequences we may suffer. Once all of these magnificent forests are gone the green house gas levels will increase and we also don’t know all of the harmful effects that this may cause. We need to do everything possible to develop a way to better manage the destruction of our rainforest before it is to late!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Summary   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As our population grows every year, we lose very valuable resources. People are continuously reducing the biodiversity of our planet. The loss of biodiversity with our tropical rainforests, oceans, and lakes are very harmful and unpredictable.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rainforest are so rich with various species that it is highly doubtful that we will ever encounter them all. Rainforest are being destroyed by developing nations in order for homes, agriculture, and other various reasons.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The dotcom bubble and the stock market fall in 2000-2001

Summary of the main points covered in my essay. How did the dotcom bubble burst contribute to the economic crisis of the 2008? Could we expect the similar crisis and how can it be prevented? What are the lessons that should have been learned from the dotcom crisis? When the global financial crisis occurred in 2008, both experts and general public started heated discussion as everyone was eager to identify the reasons for such a calamity. It is clear that nothing happens with no reason at all. Let's consider the famous speech1 of Ben Bernanke, who is the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System. In that testimony he tried to explain the causes of the recent financial and economic crisis to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, highlighting the vulnerabilities in different sectors of economics. The idea of inadequate risk-measurement that he focused on is very important for us, as this particular issue makes the recent crisis akin to the dotcom bubble we are about to examine in detail. (The same idea is one of the major issues of the next Ben Bernanke's speeches, where he underlines the importance of reasonable risk management and possible destructive effects of being too optimistic about the future of the economic system). To sum up, experts claim that flaws in evaluating the perspectives of new technologies in the 90ies caused the dotcom bubble burst in 2000, while the inadequate risk-measurement of the financial instruments connected to mortgages led to the global financial and economic crisis in 2008. Could we have predicted the economic disaster coming in 2008 and which lessons could have been gathered from the dotcom crisis? These are the questions that make the topic urgent and exciting to examine. To begin with, let's define the key term. What is a dotcom? Dotcom is a firm conducting its business mainly over the Internet. They usually possess a Web site intended for business use. The term is based on the â€Å"com† that forms the last part of the address for most commercial Web-sites. Now, what were the reasons for the dotcom bubble burst and what actually happened? (We should mention that this phenomenon is also referred as the Internet bubble and the Information Technology Bubble in many articles). It all started during the mid 1990is. The Internet was extremely popular those days and the Stock Market soared on technology and Internet stocks. Stock prices were rising and it seemed there was to limit for their value to expand. The masses believed there was a new world coming and the Internet was for sure to become the future of business. The steady confidence took place that the e-companies would turn future profits and there is no limit for technologies development. These expectations were reflected in the NASDAQ composite index. The NASDAQ composite is a stock market index of the common stocks and similar securities, which are listed on the NASDAQ stock market. The index reflects the performance of stocks of technology companies and growth companies. From January 1994 to February 2000, the it rose from 776. 80 to 4,696. 69, a 605% increase, and was influenced mainly by prices of high-technology stocks. But these expectations turned out to be far too positive. The market became overvalued. The Stock Market crashed. The culmination happened on March 10, 2000, with the NASDAQ peaking at 5132. 52 in intraday trading before closing at 5048. 62. (see the graph 1) Graph 1. NASDAQ composite dynamics2 The period when the bubble expanded rapidly was marked by the founding of many new small Internet-based companies commonly referred to as dotcoms. Many of them failed in 2000. A very specific phenomenon could be noticed at that time – the way for a new unknown company to become prosperous was just to add an â€Å"e-† prefix to their name or a â€Å". com† to the end. One of the authors called it â€Å"prefix investing†3, as the result of this simple renaming was the incredible growth of stock prices. I suppose that was one of the first indicators that something was wrong and the calamity was coming. But everyone considered it the steady development of the market that has big future. Alan Greenspan (an American economist, the Chairman of the Fed in 1987-2006) in 2005 said, that â€Å"this vast increase in the market value of asset claims is in part the indirect result of investors accepting lower compensation for risk. Such an increase in market value is too often viewed by market participants as structural and permanent†4. However, the situation isn't unique and appeared to happen again. When in 2003 nanotechnology became the â€Å"hot† thing, everyone started to add a â€Å"nano† prefix in their name. It seems that the lessons that should have been learned from the dotcom bubble burst were forgotten. Let's turn to the term itself in its theoretical sense. What is the bubble in financial markets? In a word, we say that a stock market bubble occurs when there is a rise or boom in the share prices of stocks of a particular industry. Meanwhile, the rise in prices usually bears little relation to the intrinsic value of the asset. The term â€Å"bubble† may be used with certainty only in retrospect when share prices have since crashed, as it happened in our case. An important basic characteristic of a bubble is the suspension of disbelief by most market participants during the â€Å"bubble phase. They fail to recognize that all of them are engaged in a speculative activity. That characteristic describes the dotcom crisis as well, as we already found out. It would be interesting to mention that financial bubbles have existed for centuries and one of the earliest crises of the type in known as the Dutch tulip mania. In the 17th century prices for tulip bulbs rose and finally reached extraordinarily high levels and then collapsed in the blink of an eye. The same happened to the stock of e-companies in the late 90ies. I suppose we can refer to this case as to â€Å"the dotcom mania†. The speculators who represent all the people in the economy that what to get high profits very fast, note the fast increase in value and decide to buy stock in anticipation of further rises, not taking into account that the shares are overvalued. Consequently the rise happens responding to the high demand for stock and many companies thus become grossly overvalued. When the bubble â€Å"bursts†, the share prices fall dramatically, and many companies are forced to leave the business. In order to be more precise, we can name five stages of any financial bubble5: First. Displacement. When people, especially investors, get enamored by a new paradigm, such as an innovative new technology or dotcom companies, as in our case, displacement occurs. That is the first stage of a financial bubble. Second. Boom. At this stage prices rise slowly at first, following a displacement, but then they gain momentum. More and more participants enter the market. All of them are determined to get prosperous as soon as possible. In case of dotcoms, a huge amount of small companies appeared on the market. The low interest rates in 1998-99 helped to increase the start-up capital amounts. Not all of them possessed innovative ideas, but they were sure that in the wave of e-companies they must succeed. No wonder they all had the same business plan of monopolizing their respective sectors through network effects. However it was clear that all of them wouldn't become successful as the competition was tough. For many of them the â€Å"get big fast† plan would fail. During this phase, investors become even more enamored by the asset, considering it once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that increases speculation even more. Mass media also played its role. American respected business publications such as Forbes and the Wall Street Journal, encouraged the public to invest in risky companies in the wave of the wide-spread euphoria. As the result, many â€Å"ordinary† people became investors, some of them even gave up their job to become fill-time traders. Third. Euphoria. During this phase investors as well as the whole financial system forgets about prudence and asset prices skyrocket. During the dotcom bubble, the euphoria stage took place in the beginning of March 2000, when NASDAQ composite reached its top at 5132. 2 in intraday trading before closing at 5048. 62. This and the previous stages can be clearly revealed from the NASDAQ dynamics (see graph 1). Fourth. Profit taking. By this time the warning signs of coming debacle can be seen. This is the point when smart investors can make fortunes by selling out positions and taking profits. However, it is obvious that it's very difficult to estimate the exact time when a bubble is due to collapse. John Maynard Keynes once mentioned that â€Å"the markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. As for the dotcoms founders, few of them made vast fortunes when their companies were bought out before the collapse. Fifth. Panic. In the panic stage, asset prices change direction and descend as rapidly as they had ascended. Investors and speculators are faced with margin calls, which are â€Å"demands on an investor using margin to deposit additional money or securities so that the margin account is brought up to the minimum maintenance margin†6, and the value of their holding plunge. Consequently, they want to liquidate them at any price. The supply overwhelms demand, and asset prices slide sharply. In 2000 the market index fell by almost 11% and NASDAQ fell by about 41%7. To explain the bubble applying the tools of mathematics, we'll apply the most common concept that shows the existence of bubbles8. Considering the most simple case of price of a single share, the mathematical definition of an asset price bubble uses the fair price of a financial asset as its starting point. The price of an asset is the present value of the future cash flows, generated by the asset. pt =Et(dt+1+pt+1)/(1+r), here dt is dividend, pt is the price of the asset at a certain time t, and Et(i) is the expected value of the expression in the brackets based on the information available at t time. If the interest rate (r) is held constant during the whole period, then share price at t time (pt) in a general form can be given as follows: The first part of the sum on the right, which is the discounted present value of dividends, is the fundamental value of the share (pt * ). The remainder (bt) is a deterministic or the stochastic component satisfying the condition bt = Et(bt+1) /(1 + r), which is the asset price bubble itself. So, if the price of an asset is formed as following: pt =p t*+bt, and if p =? p*, then in the mathematical sense an asset price the bubble is formed. To continue our analysis, let's describe the consequences of the dotcom bubble burst in 2000. Many small companies and some of the largest ones were forced to file for bankruptcy. Some of them ran out of capital, some of them were acquired, some were convicted of fraud in their financial statements. WorldCom, which was one of the leaders in the market was found practicing fraudulent accounting practices to exaggerate its profits every year. As it was revealed, it's stock price fell dramatically, and finally the company filed for bankruptcy. Other examples include NorthPoint Communications, Global Crossing, JDS Uniphase and many others. However, some of the e-companies managed to survive the calamity. Large companies, for example, Amazon. com and eBay, are quite successful nowadays. Google also survived the turmoil and became one of the market leaders. As many economists predicted, harsh recession began from 2001. The crash on the stock market of 2000-2002 caused the loss of $5 trillion in the market value of companies from March 2000 to October 2002: the market value of NASDAQ companies peaked at $6. 7 trillion in March 2000 and bottomed out at $1. 6 trillion in October 20029. The economic bottom was the followed by 9/11 terrorist attacks of the World Trade Center's Twin Towers. CONCLUSION After the case of dotcom crisis the word â€Å"dotcom† started to be used with unfavourable inflecton. It is frequently used to refer to a poorly thought-out unsuccessful businesses. Experts claim that dotcom crisis was one of the events that preceded the global financial crisis in 2008. It was kind of a â€Å"rehearsal†, as the global crisis also contained a speculative bubble, though it embraced a much wider variety of securities. Luckily, the recession following the bubble burst of 2000-2001 was not as deep as it could have been thanks to very aggressive interest rates lowering. However, a deeper downturn in the financial activity is much harder to overcome. The Internet bubble is also similar to the recent downturn because they were both preceded by inadequate risk-measurement and agents' overconfidence. The financial and economic crisis of 2008 could have been predicted, if everyone was more prudent and learned a lesson from the 2000 dotcom case. In conclusion, I'd like to address the issue of a new Internet crisis that is predicted by some economists. Nowadays World Web companies place their stock at unbelievably high prices. Can a successful Internet project cost more than a huge transnational oil company? The common sense says definitely no, but investors have their own specific point of view. For example, the shares of Groupon, a famous discount service, we evaluated at $12,7 trillions, despite the company's loss of $400 trillions the previous year and gross debt equal to $420 millions. This estimation is not reasonable and very far from reality. Meanwhile, the expected IPO of social network Facebook is evaluated at $100 trillions. It can be the beginning of the Dotcom Crisis 2. 0. On the other hand investors are optimistic about e-companies, as they survived the recent global crisis, unlike huge interconnected firms in other fields, such as financial, machinery and so on. However, if the case of Groupon is not unique (which is so, judging by the investors' optimistic mood) the crisis can occur once again. The most important thing in preventing the possible debacle is being prudent. Investors shouldn't be too optimistic and should be sensible when acquiring assets. PR and advertising can be astonishing, however being reasonable means evaluating the real business indicators to make rational decisions. Risk-management is the field that shouldn't be ignored if we want to avoid new crises.

Friday, August 16, 2019

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest Final Scene Essay

In the final scene of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Chief Bromden is the main character. The only two characters in this scene are Bromden and McMurphy, and even though McMurphy would be considered the main character of the entire film, Bromden is the main character of this scene because he has the strongest desire. In fact, in this one scene, Bromden has many desires that to him, are life or death. Initially, after hearing rumours of McMurphy’s escape, when McMurphy returns to his bed, Bromden thinks that he has returned in order to escape with him. At this point, Bromden’s desire is simply to escape the ward. He then realizes that McMurphy has not returned to escape, but that he has actually been lobotomized. When he sees this, he smothers McMurphy to death, knowing that McMurphy would not want to live like this, or have the others see him in this state. At this point in the scene, Bromden’s desire is to protect McMurphy’s pride. Once he fulfills this, he returns to his initial desire, as well as what used to be McMurphy’s desire to escape. He achieves this by using McMurphy’s escape plan; lifting the impossibly heavy hydrotherapy console and throwing it through the window. In doing this, Bromden not only achieves his own desire, but also completes the goal that McMurphy was unable to complete. Throughout the movie, Chief Bromden’s status quo is that he is inactive and lacks opinions and feelings. All of the other patients at the hospital think he is â€Å"deaf and dumb†. McMurphy is the only one to later discover that Bromden is neither deaf, nor mute. Before the tension in the final scene takes place, Bromden seems too passive and nonchalant to escape on his own, and he definitely seems much too harmless to murder anyone. In this scene, Bromden is forced to change when he sees that McMurphy has been lobotomized. His respect for McMurphy, and despair that he has been lobotomized and is no longer the powerful leader he used to be initiates the change in Bromden. Wanting McMurphy to die with honour, and having others remember him the way he was, Bromden finds the power to smother McMurphy to death. After McMurphy is dead, Bromden still has the initial desire of escaping. Before, he had been waiting for McMurphy to escape with him, because McMurphy was more intrepid and gallant than Bromden, and would be able to lead him. Now that McMurphy is unable to escape with him, Bromden is forced to find the courage to escape on his own. In this scene, the stakes are very high for Bromden. If he does not escape, he will have to live miserably in the mental institution for the rest of his life. The stakes are raised when he discovers that McMurphy has been lobotomized. Now, he takes on the responsibility to do what he knew McMurphy would want him to do- not allow him to live and be seen as a lobotomized vegetable. If Bromden does not succeed in killing McMurphy, Bromden will feel like he has let down and humiliated McMurphy. Once Bromden has smothered McMurphy, the stakes are once again raised as now not only does he have to escape because he doesn’t want to live in the hospital for the rest of his life, but he also has to leave because he has just murdered McMurphy, even though he did so out of respect. If he does not escape right away, he most likely will get in trouble for the murder of McMurphy (and probably get lobotomized himself) , he will have to spend his life in the miserable existence of the institution, and he will not have fulfilled McMurphy’s and his own desire to escape. The main conflict that takes place in this scene is the fact that Bromden has such a strong desire to escape with McMurphy, but when McMurphy is no longer able to escape, it becomes much more difficult to Bromden. The audience fears that upon discovering that McMurphy has been lobotomized, he will not be assertive enough to escape on his own. Until it is confirmed that McMurphy has been lobotomized, the audi ence hopes that the two of them will successfully escape together, but when it becomes clear that this will not happen, the audience wonders how Bromden will deal with this. He resolves the conflict by finding the courage to escape on his own. Another conflict in this scene is the fact that McMurphy, who is the most outspoken and powerful patient in the ward has been lobotomized. The fact that he basically no longer has a mind of his own not only gets in the way of Bromden’s desire, but will also destroy any optimism and faith that any of the other patients have. This is also a conflict for Bromden because he knows that McMurphy would be miserable if the old him were to see the lobotomized him, and Bromden does not want McMurphy to be shamed. Bromden deals with this conflict by killing McMurphy, that way none of the other patients will see him in this state, and McMurphy will not have to live this way for any longer. The main twist in this scene comes when McMurphy returns. Bromden is relieved because he thinks that McMurphy has returned to escape with him, but instead he has been lobotomized and no longer has any desire to escape. This comes as a shock to both Bromden, because it is the opposite of what he has expected, and also to the audience, because seeing McMurphy in the state of being lobotomized completely contrasts the character of McMurphy that the audience has come to know. The technique of juxtaposition makes this twist extremely effective. McMurphy is a character who is always active, energetic, powerful, and lively. He prides himself on his non-alignment, so the audience knows that to McMurphy, receiving a lobotomy is the worst thing that could possibly happen to him. Another technique used to make this twist so powerful is the uncertainty of both Bromden and the audience. First, when the other patients talk about how McMurphy has escaped, both Bromden and the audience believe that this plausibly occurred. When McMurphy is seen returning, acting lifeless, by now we know how manipulative and calculating McMurphy is, so the audience is unsure of whether McMurphy has actually been lobotomized, or if he is just pretending to be obedient so he can return, and then escape. We do not know for sure that McMurphy has actually been lobotomized until Bromden discovers the scars on his head. This provides a real shock because up until now, both Bromden and the audience was pretty sure that McMurphy was just faking it and the two of them would end up escaping together. A secondary twist in this scene is when Bromden suffocates McMurphy. Although Bromden did this with the best intention for McMurphy, it is still surprising to the audience, because no one could’ve pictured Bromden killing anyone, especially McMurphy who he has so much respect for. As mentioned above, Bromden has many strong desires throughout this scene. His main desire is to escape the ward. His secondary desire is to make sure that McMurphy dies with honour and does not have to live being the opposite of the lively, outspoken person he once was. He fulfills both of these desires, and even though he is unable to escape with McMurphy, which was his original intention, he still is able to escape on his own, and free himself from the mental institution. McMurphy, on the other hand, does not have much desire in this scene. Throughout the film, McMurphy has more desire than any other character; he wants to be in charge, he doesn’t want to do work, he wants to help and lead the other patients in the ward, he is a hedonist, who wants to please himself, and ultimately, his main desire is to escape. Despite all of this, by the last scene, he has been lobotomized, and therefore all of his desire has been drained. He is now a vegetable, who is unable to and has no will to escape with Bromden. His lack of desire makes Bromden’s desire even stronger, because McMurphy was the most passionate patient of them all, but now he is basically brain dead. This ignites Bromden’s desire to put an end to McMurphy’s now meaningless life, and it further motivates his desire to escape the hospital, because he sees how it is able to drain even the most passionate and spirited person.

Critically Analysis Of Professional Development Education Essay

Committed to a certain criterions of behavior is called the professionalism. This declaration is force us more productive as a whole. This professional cognition that people see you in your manus as a messenger of their Company, section, concern, community, etc. It is Professional ‘s duty to act in the ways that brings recognition to themselves and more significantly to the organisation. If we think about the features of communicating. Communication is important in my definition of professionalism because, communicating is frequently the solution of all jobs. In order to be deafening in concern everyone has to be satisfied with their occupation and atmosphere. Communication gives workers the chance to province their sentiments, concerns, or encouragement. It helps people work more expeditiously as section, therefore doing concerns blossom. Many qualities make up a individual ‘s character. Equally good as Honesty is really of import in portraying good character because it helps a individual to derive the trust of others. In a good working environment people have to number on each other for many things, and being an honest individual makes it a batch easier. Once trust is lost, it is difficult to derive back. Assurance is a key to being a professional. A confident individual who has the ability to manage every thing is non afraid to take a hazard and at the terminal of the twenty-four hours do a batch of money. Some hazards need to be taken particularly when the wages outweighs the hazard. Confident people climb the societal ladder and adapt to what needs to be done in different countries. Assurance is frequently an property found in leaders and every company needs a leader. Respectfulness is something that should be nowadayss everyplace. Peoples should acknowledge their higher-ups and handle them with the extreme respectful manners. Respect should be given to your seniors, because you would anticipate the same has to be done from your juniors. Performance wise I am bit weak of as Cyril o houle ‘s demands as he is reference that in his public presentation features: cognition and accomplishment base pattern for the personal development which can besides depict in pattern of your profession: a adult male should be command of theoretical cognition which is come be experience ; to work out the jobs easy ; so usage of practical cognition which I learnt in my yesteryear by sing the easy and difficult undertakings in my past life or by the professional surveies ; in the terminal he said self enhancement harmonizing to the professional by take parting the cognition base activities. For case, reading books, listserv treatment groups, newspapers etc. Continue professional instruction besides heighten the sense of professional association and individuality. Basically we are following the demands: in other words every one is in race of demands, holding evolved over 10s of 1000s of old ages. So I would wish to demo the maslow ‘s hierarchy of demands motive theoretical account which is still valid in all over the universe since 1940's-50 ‘s. This theoretical account explains how these demands motivate us all. It shows us how we must hold to fulfill each demand in bend, get downing with the first, which deals with the most obvious demands for endurance itself. If lower order demands of physical and emotional wellbeing are satisfied so we need to worry about with the higher order demands of influence and personal development.3. Mention from old undertakingHarmonizing to my 1st undertaking of my assignment I had explained my formal professional development in the signifier of my analyzing in Bachelorette grade in calculating I did that in twelvemonth 2005, every bit good as in informal developments of my life. It helps me a batch in my life, to alter my life manner and nearing manner every bit good as how to manage the jobs more expeditiously and efficaciously. But I have n't had any practical cognition in IT field but still I am seeking to acquire the higher degree of my professional abilities in information engineering wh ich I will able to acquire by utilizing these techniques are below. Which I have found them in my Professional development category, these are really first-class for a professional ‘s if they will use on his practical life.Reflected surveies:What is contemplation or reflected surveies?As we know contemplation is an every twenty-four hours procedure as we interact with series of job which we face every twenty-four hours in our life. By snaping these inquiries: What went good? What did n't? Why? How do I experience about it? It merely happens as interior feelings, ideas and emotions about something by and large. To undertake the jobs we think possibly we can take to make something otherwise, or non, as a consequence of reflecting, but contemplation is basically a sort of loose processing of ideas and feelings about an event. Any event or experience at all. Contemplation can be a more structured manner of processing in order to cover with jobs. This type of contemplation may take topographic point when we have had clip to be stand back from something, or speak it through, as in: as on one contemplation, I think you might be right ‘ , or on the 2nd ideas, I realised he was more disquieted than me. ‘ If we deliberately reflect as portion of the function, there would be a unsmooth patterned advance of ‘How did it travel? What went good? Why? What did n't? Why? What next? ‘ Examples might be of a cricket manager reflecting after a lucifer, a instructor reflecting on a lesson, or merely a parent believing about how best to cover with a adolescent. In this sort of contemplation, the purpose is to look profoundly at what happened, kind out what is truly traveling on and research in deepness, in order to better, or alteration something for following clip.3.2 Key Necessities of a contemplation1. Understanding of an event: We do n't ever larn from experiences. Contemplation is where we critically analyse our experiences. 2. Standing back technique: It could be hard while standing back but it is good technique with that you will gain or could acquire the hitter position of a state of affairs. 3. Repeat: Contemplation involves making one thing once more and once more to make a broader position of the incident to carry through accurately. Or it could assist you to look into the mistakes to change them in right manners. 4. Endeavoring after truth: we acknowledge the truth of any state of affairs by endeavoring or delving deeper in the incident. 5. Reviewing activities: Contemplation can convey greater lucidity, if you see the same incident in same for your chance for case, seeing events reflected in a mirror. This can assist at any portion of planning, reexamining activities. 6. Learning ability: Contemplation is about larning and life long learning and understanding in deepness of any thing. This includes deriving valuables knowledge that can non be merely ‘taught ‘ . 7. Decisions: Contemplation is as constructing blocks of any incident for pulling decisions in order develop an attack, scheme or motion. Contemplation is a type of believing associated with deep idea, aimed to accomplishing better understanding. It contains a mixture of some necessities:3.3 Reflecting on your acquisition:It can assist you take an nonsubjective position of your advancement and see what is traveling good and what needs to be emend or needs to alter for the following clip it is about future planning. 3.4 Key inquiries to believe about as practising contemplation acquisition: 1. How did it travel? How do I experience about it? 2. What went good, or OK? Why? 3. What was non so good? Why? 4. How could this have been done otherwise? 5. What should I alter or work on for following clip? What would be the first measure?3.5 Advantages of contemplation acquisition:You will experience that instantly so you would n't travel in front you will wait until every thing is all right, it helps you see what went good and give you spotlight on the positive side of an action every bit good as the more negative side of the action or event. Helps you to develop a problem-solving attack, instead than stand back believing about troubles. For case, it is really helpful to reflect when you receive feedback of on your assignment, as a manner of utilizing the feedback to alter or develop your attack.3. DecisionManner I have n't learnt decently? What were the hindered in my life?Writing merely for me means I can compose freely, ideas and feelings are expressed in a relaxed and informal manner. I can do leaps in my thought and research connexions between ideas this composing a originative procedure that encourages me to develop new thoug hts. Writing on a regular basis in a diary helps me to develop and experiment with my ain authorship manner. Puting thoughts into words is a important academic authorship accomplishment. It takes pattern to develop a manner you feel comfy with, and a diary is a good topographic point to take some hazards and seek out different ‘voices ‘ . You do n't hold to compose a batch at one time, but it does assist to compose small and frequently, if possible every twenty-four hours. It helps your assurance to look back over a diary and see advancement, how you have dealt with troubles, and how your thoughts have moved on. Develop your composing manner ; composing on a regular basis in aid you develop and experiment with your ain authorship manner. Puting thoughts into words is a critical academic authorship accomplishment. It takes pattern to develop a manner you feel comfy with, and a general is a good topographic point to take some hazards and seek out different ways. You do n't hold to compose a batch at one time, but it does assist to compose small and frequently, sooner every twenty-four hours. It helps your assurance to look back over authorship and see advancement, how you have dealt with troubles, and how your thoughts have moved on. It is really utile to hold a note of issues and questions you might desire to raise with a coach or other pupils. A general authorship is an of import record for look intoing back, and can assist you plan following stairss.